Runxi Yu

This website is deprecated as of May 2024. Please check for updates. This site will stay in this archived state for the sake of link preservation, but please update your links!

I am Runxi Yu, a 16-year-old student in Shanghai, China, currently studying at YK Pao School. I am interested in philosophy, computer science, mathematics, and physics.

Pronouns: they/it/他

Personal Articles

Pages for other projects (i.e. Evosaur) are not listed—only independent articles are listed here. These are sorted from newest to oldest. Some do not come with HTML anchors: these articles are not published online, but are still listed here. For these, you may ask me for a copy in real life, but it is within my rights to decline such requests. Note that if an article ID has an asterisk (*), it is considered fiction and its meaning shall not be interpreted literally.


FAQs and Stuff

Articles from Others I Want to Share

Other People's Sites and Projects